Give Mum the gift of self-care this Mother’s Day

Give Mum the gift of self-care this Mother’s Day

It’s time to make Mum’s life that little bit brighter! Featuring simple ideas that work towards being a better version of yourself that don’t clutter up your life. 

The mind: books.

Books are a great way to stimulate the mind and gives us some much needed quiet time. If Mum’s into fiction, be sure to pick up a copy of The Christie Affair by Nina de Gramont from Kmart. This re-imagined mystery is centred around the chain of events that led to Agatha Christie’s disappearance for 11 days in 1926. 



The body: Gua Sha and foot blankets.

Gua Sha has recently skyrocketed in popularity, and so many people are using these tools in their skin-care routine. What exactly is Gua Sha? Gua Sha is a natural therapy which originated from China, and it involves scraping the skin with a message tool, often made from jade or rose quartz. It stimulates microcirculation of the soft tissue, which increases blood flow and circulation. It can help stimulate lymphatic drainage, reduce inflammation and relieve muscular tension. 

Sister’s Beauty offers Gua Sha Therapy sessions alongside a range of other services, which will lift and tone the face without any chemical treatments. The lovely ladies at Sisters can explain the process and their methods, helping you to maximise your experience. 

As the temperature is starting to cool down, it’s time to ensure maximum cosy-ness levels in your space. Bed, Bath and Beyond have a foot blanket, which are perfect for winter nights on the couch. Say goodbye to the days where your cold toes peek out from the bottom of the blanket!


The soul: Quality time spent outdoors. 

Spending quality time with those you love is so important. Enjoy the fresh air and company with a simple picnic in the park. Either pack a picnic of your own, or easily get takeaway from Lj’s Fish and Chips or St Pierre’s Sushi

We hope you have a wonderful Mother’s Day!